BIACC is committed to human capital development. BIACC continuously invest both time and money in training. Our robust and dedicated training and development programme ensures that our employees have a consistent experience and more knowledge and skill in their jobs, more aware of their workplace processes and more confident, and also allows to develop leaders in the organisation, all will enable the organisation to meet its objective to deliver superior customer service.

As the Strategic Partner of IATA, BIACC is also the IATA Authorised Training Centre (ATC) in Brunei Darussalam which is authorised to teach specific IATA training courses.

Dangerous Goods Regulations & Other IATA Training Courses

Safety is our top priority. BIACC’s IATA DG qualified instructors are approved by the Brunei Civil Aviation Authority to deliver training courses for the carriage of Dangerous Goods by air. All relevant employees in the organisation are trained in IATA Dangerous Goods Training (All Categories).

Other IATA training courses deliver by our in-house IATA qualified Instructors include:

  1. IATA Cargo Skills and Procedure
  2. IATA Live Animals Regulations
  3. Time & Temperature Sensitive Healthcare Products Regulations

BIACC also offers the above trainings to external customers and logistics industry personnel.

Forklift Safety Training

BIACCs’ forklifts operators undergo forklift safety trainings to ensure that they are equipped with sufficient knowledge and skills so that they operate in a safe and competent manner.

Upon passing and completion of the training course, operators will be fully licensed. Instructor-led classroom and practical training are conducted.  The forklift safety training are delivered by BIACC’s internal qualified trainers. This course is also offered to external customers who are interested to acquire the knowledge and skill of operating forklift safely.

Total Quality Management Training (TQM)

BIACC runs internal TQM training on continuous basis basing on Japanese Standards Association TQM 21 books which covers topics such as Quality Circle, Policy Management, Cleanliness and Environment. As a TQM model company, BIACC also offers TQM training to other organisations.