Change begins at Home.

With this, BIACC Sdn Bhd strives to remain socially responsible at home by initiating change through various CSR initiatives ranging from blood donation activities to recycling initiatives to food and basic necessities donation drives to underprivileged families and orphans.

For the upcoming year, we will be focusing our CSR efforts on up skilling the nation’s workforce with non-profit knowledge sharing and educational sessions to support and align with Brunei Darussalam’s Wawasan 2035 goal of making Brunei Darussalam a nation which will be widely recognised for the accomplishment of its educated and highly skilled people as measured by the highest international standards.

Here at BIACC Sdn Bhd, we understand the impact of social and environmental effects to promoting change in our community and the environment and as such we are always thinking of new ways to pursue our CSR efforts and stay on top of our CSR practices.